
The Time Machine Word Count

The Time Machine

            G Wells, Wells portrays the future to an exact detail. Is there any truth behind these ideas or are they just science fiction? In The Time Machine the main character, the Time Traveler, believes he has traveled to the end of the world. He encounters new life forms in his journey into the future. He has his own theories of why this happened, but could his theories actually come true? There are many common beliefs that the world will come to an end one day, but when and why will this actually happen no one knows. Through the Time Machine, H.G wells notion of the future and the end of the human race does actually have some truth behind it. .
             Well's vision of the future is of a class divided society. When Well's Time Traveler travels into the future he encounters two types of life forms, The Eloi and The Morlocks. The Eloi are surface dwelling people and the Morlocks live below ground, shunned from the society of the Eloi. The Eloi are simple and beautiful creatures, but the Time Traveler thinks of them as weak and lazy. "Social triumphs, too, had been effected. I saw mankind housed in splendid shelters, gloriously clothed, and as yet I had found them engaged in no toil. There were no signs of struggle, neither social nor economical struggle."(P.34) .
             Well's theory of the future is an argument against Darwinist evolution beliefs. Darwinist beliefs state that through time mankind will advance into a more sophisticated and overall better species. A common Darwin saying is "survival of the fittest." The meaning behind this is that the strong organisms that adapt to the environment will survive and pass their traits on to their offspring. The Time Traveler sees that the Eloi do not naturally adapt to stronger and more complex states therefore he believes that this means the world is coming to an end. He believes this because evolution is no longer producing complex organisms. "Had they been strong, energetic, and intelligent, and had used all its abundant vitality to alter the conditions under which it lived.

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The Time Machine "A Pessimistic View" Alfredo Pini Per:5 Englsih IV Critical Analysis the novel The Time Machine, H.G. ... This is exactly Wells technique in The Time Machine .(Hillegas p. 200) The Time Machine was mostly based on how the author felt. ... The inventor of a time machine explains to his guests the principles on which his time machine is based. ... Later one day the Time Traveler realized that his time machine was missing. ...

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2. The Time Machine

The Time Machine is fictional novel by H.G. ... The Time Traveler was so curious that he had stopped the lever on the Time Machine. ... On his return to the Time Machine he realizes that it is gone. ... The Time Machine was there and it was washed and oiled. ... The narrator saw the Traveler going into the Time Machine with a camera. ...

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Time Machine, a Social Criticism? The Time Machine was not merely a novel written to entertain the populous of the late 19th century, but a social criticism of the people in everyday life. The time machine was just a cover-up for an almost public service announcement of the degradation of society that wells saw. ... The traveler on his quest for knowledge and reasoning for thing has created a time machine that his going to use to travel into the future. ... (74) The time machine was built by the traveler because he saw it as a way to advance mankind as he saw it. ...

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4. The Time Machine: A Reflection of The Future

Wells, The Time Machine, 50-51) The novel The Time Machine by H.G. ... The Time Machine is about an English scientist who has claimed to have discovered how to travel in the forth dimension-time. ... One day when the Time Traveller is in his lab he decides to test the Time Machine out and in a whirl wind of events is send to the year 802,701 where he is loses his Time Machine and becomes stranded. ... Wells, time into ours and in The Time Machine class struggles are what society could become 800,000 years into the future or more. ... Wells does in The Time Machine. ...

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5. The Time Machine

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  • Has Bibliography
  • Grade Level: High School

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After many days of hard work and countless hours spent in the lab, I have finally completed my project, my time machine! ... Now that I have completed my time machine, I could finally visit this fascinating era of political and art revolutions. ... To break in the time machine and start it up for the first time, I will set the date to the 1750s. ... The main reason why I would want to time travel back into this revolution is because I want to witness the substitution of machines for manual labor. ... Now, I have done enough writing and it is time to jump into my time machine and witness the...

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Wells The Time Machine is the story of an explorer but not an explorer of distance but an explorer of time. ... On his first day in the future the Time Traveler leaves his time machine to take a tour of the Eloi "home" and when he returns he finds the machine missing. ... As he walks to the time machine the slits close. ... He merely sat down in his machine and rode off to his next stop in time, home. ... The Time Machine by H.G. ...

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  • Approx Pages: 3
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8. The Time Machine

The Time Machine By H.G. ... The Time Traveler spent two years building the time machine. ... The Time Traveler explained how he started moving one day per minute and by the time he stopped the machine he was going over one year per minute. When the Time Traveler stopped the machine the inertia keep him and the time machine moving forward. ... An incident that supports the theme is the Time Traveler builds the time machine and goes in to the future, but only one person believes the story. ...

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9. The Time Machine

The Time Machine By H.G. ... The first is the time traveler, the one who made the machine. ... He starts out by showing them a model of a time machine based on triangles, a principle hardly believed by the people of that time. ... The small time machine, was made of many strange materials. ... He finished the time machine and decided to try it out. ...

  • Word Count: 652
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10. The Time Machine

The book The Time Machine was a fine book in my opinion. ... Noticing that the door is open to the statue, he walks in and finds the time machine. ... The Time Traveler jumped on the time machine and flipped the lever. ... The air becomes very cold and he gets sick, barely making it to the time machine. ... That is the summary to The Time Machine. ...

  • Word Count: 944
  • Approx Pages: 4
  • Grade Level: High School

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The Time Machine Word Count


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