
Coming Up With An Idea



1 advance, appear, approach, arrive, become, draw near, enter, happen, materialize, move, move towards, near, occur, originate, show up (informal) turn out, turn up (informal)

2 appear, arrive, attain, enter, materialize, reach, show up (informal) turn up (informal)

3 fall, happen, occur, take place

4 arise, emanate, emerge, end up, flow, issue, originate, result, turn out

6 be available, be made, be offered, be on offer, be produced

come about
arise, befall, come to pass, happen, occur, result, take place, transpire (informal)

come across
bump into (informal) chance upon, discover, encounter, find, happen upon, hit upon, light upon, meet, notice, stumble upon, unearth

come along
develop, improve, mend, perk up, pick up, progress, rally, recover, recuperate

come apart
break, come unstuck, crumble, disintegrate, fall to pieces, give way, separate, split, tear

come at

1 attain, discover, find, grasp, reach

2 assail, assault, attack, charge, fall upon, fly at, go for, light into, rush, rush at

come back
reappear, recur, re-enter, return

come between
alienate, divide, estrange, interfere, meddle, part, separate, set at odds

come by
acquire, get, land, lay hold of, obtain, procure, score (slang) secure, take possession of, win

come clean
acknowledge, admit, come out of the closet, confess, cough up (slang) 'fess up (U.S.) get (something) off one's chest (informal) make a clean breast of, own up, reveal, sing (slang, chiefly U.S.) spill one's guts (slang)

come down

1 decline, degenerate, descend, deteriorate, fall, go downhill, go to pot (informal) reduce, worsen

2 choose, decide, favour, recommend

come down on
bawl out (informal) blast, carpet (informal) chew out (U.S. & Canad. informal) criticize, dress down (informal) give (someone) a rocket (Brit. & N.Z. informal) jump on (informal) lambast(e), put down, rap over the knuckles, read the riot act, rebuke, reprimand, tear into (informal) tear (someone) off a strip (Brit. informal)

come down to
amount to, boil down to, end up as, result in

come down with
ail, be stricken with, catch, contract, fall ill, fall victim to, get, sicken, take, take sick

come forward
offer one's services, present or proffer oneself, volunteer

come in
appear, arrive, cross the threshold, enter, finish, reach, show up (informal)

come in for
acquire, bear the brunt of, endure, get, receive, suffer

come off
go off, happen, occur, succeed, take place, transpire (informal)

come on

1 advance, develop, improve, make headway, proceed, progress

2 appear, begin, take place

come out

1 appear, be announced, be divulged, be issued, be published, be released, be reported, be revealed

2 conclude, end, result, terminate

come out with
acknowledge, come clean, declare, disclose, divulge, lay open, own, own up, say

come round

1 accede, acquiesce, allow, concede, grant, mellow, relent, yield

2 come to, rally, recover, regain consciousness, revive

3 call, drop in, pop in, stop by, visit

come through

1 accomplish, achieve, make the grade (informal) prevail, succeed, triumph

2 endure, survive, weather the storm, withstand

come up
arise, crop up, happen, occur, rise, spring up, turn up

come up to
admit of comparison with, approach, compare with, equal, match, measure up to, meet, resemble, rival, stand or bear comparison with

come up with
advance, create, discover, furnish, offer, present, produce, propose, provide, submit, suggest

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Coming Up With An Idea


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