
46 Degrees F To C

Photo Courtesy: The Skilful Brigade/DigitalVision/Getty Images

Hepatitis is a condition that causes inflammation of your liver. Currently, in that location are an estimated half dozen million people living with hepatitis in the United States, and more than than 50,000 people are diagnosed with this disease every twelvemonth. There are three primary types of hepatitis, and while their symptoms tin exist like, they vary largely in the ways they're transmitted. Learning more than about each type of hepatitis can help yous better understand the condition as a whole.

Hepatitis A is the most easily transmitted of the 3 viruses. Information technology affects approximately two,500 people every twelvemonth in the U.s.a.. It typically spreads through feces-contaminated food or water and is constitute in the carrion of people who have the virus. Hepatitis A causes a short-term, acute sickness that nearly people heal from without handling. Still, it tin cause serious illness in some people. This virus is more than common in places with underdeveloped sanitation systems.

While doctors can't treat hepatitis A with medication, people who get this virus can manage its symptoms with fluids, residue and skillful diet. There'due south also a safe and effective vaccine available to protect y'all against hepatitis A.

What Is Hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B can occur both acutely (meaning information technology develops chop-chop and lasts a short time) and chronically (meaning information technology develops slowly over time and worsens over months or years). According to the Centers for Illness Command and Prevention, up to 2 million people in the United States are chronically affected with hepatitis B. Hepatitis B can be transmitted through sexual activity and exposure to infected blood. It can likewise be passed from a parent to their newborn child during birth.

Hepatitis B unremarkably causes short-term discomfort that many people recover from completely after about four to viii weeks. However, it can plow into a chronic condition that lasts for years; this is more likely in older adults. Doctors can treat astringent chronic hepatitis B with antiviral medications. However, in most cases, treatments focus on proper hydration and nutrition. There'due south a condom vaccine bachelor to protect you lot confronting hepatitis B, likewise.

What Is Hepatitis C?

Photo Courtesy: BSIP/Getty Images

Approximately 4 one thousand thousand people in the U.s.a. are affected with hepatitis C. This form of hepatitis causes a chronic affliction in over 50% of people who get this type of the virus. Information technology's the least transmissible of the three viruses and can spread through contact with infected blood.

Hepatitis C occurs more than commonly in people who engage in intravenous drug utilise. If you received a blood transfusion before 1992, you should likewise get tested for hepatitis C if you haven't previously. Hepatitis C tin spread through unprotected sexual intercourse, only this is a less mutual way to transmit information technology. While there's no vaccine for chronic hepatitis C, treatments that are bachelor today offer a 95% cure rate.

Chronic hepatitis C tin significantly affect how your liver works. It can crusade cirrhosis, which means that your normal liver tissue is replaced with scar tissue. It can also cause liver cancer. However, there are medications that can aid keep this affliction in check. Making lifestyle changes, such as reducing or eliminating alcohol from your diet, tin can also decrease your chances of experiencing complications. In severe cases, hepatitis C may require a liver transplant.

The varying forms of viral hepatitis bear upon millions of people in the United states. Chronic hepatitis often has few symptoms in its early stages, so recognizing the associated dangers and getting tested if you've been exposed may save your life. Although there are five types of viral hepatitis, only A, B and C are the forms commonly found in the United states.

Resource Links:

"Hepatitis A, B, and C: Acquire the Differences," Immunization Action Coalition

"What's the Difference Between Hepatitis A, B and C?," UNC Wellness Talk

"The ABCs of Hepatitis," Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

"What'due south the Difference: Hepatitis B vs Hepatitis C?," Hepatitis B Foundation

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